Organic Black Sesame Paste • Eternal Abundance

Organic Black Sesame Paste




Lightly toasted organic black sesame paste made in house at Eternal Abundance.

Black sesame paste has a nutty, earthy flavour with bitter undertones. Commonly used in Japanese, Chinese, and Korean cuisines, it lends well to savoury dishes, salad dressings, sweet treats, and drinks. It is rich in calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese and iron, and is a good source of healthy fats.

Ingredients: lightly toasted organic black sesame seeds, slowly stone ground for 2+ days to make this rich, smooth paste.

Made in the kitchen that processes, tree, nuts, coconut, seeds, and soy. Naturally gluten-free but not certified. Store in a cool dark place. Good for up to one year after batch date.